Thinning 28T Offset

Passion Thinning 28T Offset 2 Step is a cornerstone model asking stylists how they’ve managed without one until now.


Passion 2 Step is a cornerstone model asking stylists how they’ve managed without one until now. The patented tooth design encourages hair to roll down the blade edge while it’s being cut instead of trapping hair like a guillotine. This means that each strand of hair is cut at random diminishing uniform cut lines and creating a softer, naturally blended look. The 28 teeth creates a beautiful “grown-in” look whilst the 14teeth is better suited for sculpting a more dynamic finish. The 2 Step also reduces your cutting time as it eliminates the need to blend in hard lines as with conventional thinning scissors

Reviews 2

Customer Reviews
  1. Professional grooming essential tool
    Thinning 28T Offset: Precise, versatile, ergonomic—a grooming essential for professionals.

    Review by Ethan

    Posted on

  2. Precise, ergonomic, professional.
    Thinning 28T Offset: Ergonomic design, precise thinning, durable construction. Effortlessly removes bulk for seamless texture. Ideal for professional hairstylists.

    Review by Mark

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